As an orthopedic physical therapist (DPT) and a certified strength and conditioning specialist (CSCS), anytime I can get my hands on a piece of fitness equipment that can equally serve my patients in the clinic AND my clients in the gym, I get a little too giddy for my own good (hey, I love what I do, alright?). So when …
How to Improve Neck Endurance (Use THIS Science-Proven Exercise)
Just as a chain is only as strong as its weakest link, your neck is only as strong as its weakest ability. Healthy necks need adequate mobility, strength, motor control, and muscular endurance. Regarding that last feature: if you’re unsure if you have adequate endurance or want to work on improving your neck’s endurance, this article has you covered for …
Fixing Elbow Pain From Dips (Practical & Effective Tips)
Few upper body exercises can rival dips’ strength and muscle-building effects. After all, not only do dips hammer the triceps muscles, but they also challenge and strengthen the upper pectoral fibers and anterior deltoid fibers. Unfortunately, they can also place great stress and strain on the elbow joint and triceps tendon under certain conditions. So, if you’ve been getting elbow …
Here’s How To Recover WAY Faster After Leg Day (Science-Backed)
Faster recovery after leg day is entirely possible if it’s something that you want to achieve, and the science to back this up is quite irrefutable. Not only does faster recovery mean less training time lost to the recovery process, but it also means that you’re simply not feeling as miserable in the days that follow your training session. So, …
Frozen Shoulder & Working Out: A How-To Guide (Detailed Article)
A frozen shoulder can wreak havoc on your ability to exercise and train (and I would know!). Whether your shoulder is more limited by pain than immobility, or vice versa, finding ways to stay active while working to overcome the issue should be at the top of your priority list. This article aims to provide insight that will hopefully help …
Neck Pain with the Bench Press | Causes | Solutions | A PT Explains
Experiencing pain during — or after — bench pressing can be a real pain in the neck, especially when the pain is… in your neck. It might not make a lot of sense as to why an upper body exercise that strengthens your chest and arms gives you neck discomfort, but there are actually a few common reasons as to …
Injuries & Reclaiming Exercise Motivation (Practical Steps)
Finding the motivation to exercise can be hard enough at the best of times. Finding the motivation to exercise after (or while going through) an injury can feel even more overwhelming. If this happens to be anything you can relate to, I assure you, you’re not alone. It’s almost as if your motivation has been injured in addition to your …
Calf Raises & Foot Pain | Causes | Solutions | Pro Tips
Training your calves is a smart move to make — it cuts down on injury risk, improves physical and athletic performance, and adds some shape to your legs. But calf training should never come at the expense of incurring foot pain in the process. So, this article will walk you through what this issue can signify and how to get …
Back pain from Burpees: Causes | Solutions | Alternative Exercises
The burpee may be a go-to exercise for those looking to burn some calories or push themselves in a workout, but for many, it comes at the expense of a rather sore — or even painful — lower back. If you can relate, this article will walk you through the pertinent details you must be aware of to ensure you’re …
NecksLevel Review: In-Depth Article From A Physical Therapist
Every now and then, I get my hands on a piece of rehab equipment that gives me a feeling deep down inside, telling me that I’m onto something good. It doesn’t happen as often as I’d like, but it sure is a good feeling when it does. I’m all about my patients, so this particular excitement I get is more …