What if you could get stronger, more muscular legs using a particular type of leg exercise often overlooked by beginners and experts? And what if this type of movement not only protected your lower body from all-too-common aches and pains in your hips and lower back but also didn’t require fancy gym equipment or tons of heavy weight? Well, that’s what …
Kettlebells Only: Five Full-body Exercises That Will Light You Up
They say a good carpenter can do more with a basic set of tools than an inexperienced carpenter with every tool at his disposal. I’ve always loved that quote because it corresponds perfectly when it comes to working out with limited equipment. A good lifter knows that with a couple of basic pieces of equipment, they have a world of …
Gluteal Tendinopathy: Here’s A Convenient and Effective Exercise
In this article, you’re going to learn a unique exercise for developing deep hip stabilizer strength. It’s quite deceptive yet incredibly effective. Once you try it for yourself, you’ll know exactly what I mean. Oh, and the protocol that goes along with it for optimizing your hip health is profoundly practical for just about everyone—I’ll show you how it can be …
The Science of Compression Flossing | Move Better | Decrease Pain
A lot of athletically-minded folks out there these days are making the claim that wrapping an elastic band around your limbs can help improve various aspects of human movement. They call it compression flossing. But is this a technique that has any scientific backing, or is it just another gimmick in a seemingly infinite list of fitness fads? As it …
The Art of Embracing Our Scars (From Blemished to Beautiful)
As a physical therapist, I work with patients who have some seriously gnarly scars. I have the privilege of helping amazing individuals who have been in horrible car crashes, suffered absolutely gruesome sports injuries, and sustained other disfiguring injuries from physical trauma. Throughout my time in this gig, I’ve seen enough of how it can affect people, so I want …
The Brutally Challenging Plank You’re Not Doing (Don’t Miss Out)
There’s no shortage of plank and core stabilization exercises out there that you could opt for in your next workout. However, assuming you’re looking to get the most out of every exercise you perform, you’re about to learn one heck of a plank variation that will light up far more than your core muscles. The plank variation I’m about to …
Improve Your Upper Back Health With The Peanut Technique | Very Simple
I’m not a betting man by any means, but if you’re reading this article, I’d be willing to bet it’s because you can relate to how lousy it feels to have a tight, stiff, and otherwise sore upper back…and you are probably looking for solutions. Don’t worry; I’ve got you covered here. While there’s a near-infinite number of ways you …
Tight Calves? Try Barbell Tempering (It’s Intense & It Works!)
For any active individual, experiencing tight, sore, stiff, or aching calf muscles is an issue that’s bound to arise at some point in their pursuit of an active lifestyle. It’s happened to me, and it will likely happen to you. But just because you’re experiencing abnormal discomfort in your muscles doesn’t mean you have to (or should) live with it …
Gorilla Rows: The ULTIMATE Full Body Exercise | Multiple Benefits
Who doesn’t love exercises that build brutal full-body strength and endurance? Not only do exercises like these turn you into a more physically robust and capable human being, but they also improve your mental fortitude as you grind your way through them. Not a bad combination, eh? Personally, I’d contend the world would be a bit better off if more …
Banded Terminal Knee Extensions & Knee Health | Highly Effective Rehab
The importance of keeping your knees healthy and strong cannot be overstated enough. The stronger and healthier your knees are, the more active you can be and the more enjoyable life becomes. And when it comes to keeping your knees healthier via resistance training, one of the best movements you can do for your knee is called terminal knee extension. …